The Best Staircase Wall Decor Ideas To Improve Your Home
Adding color and vibrant visual interest to our homes is something we’re always striving for. It’s pretty easy to imagine adding a bright backsplash to our kitchen walls, or painting an accent wall in the bedroom. But there’s one overlooked space that’s actually way more turnkey to design around: your staircase wall decor!
Building your dream space can require some extensive research for the best ideas, and if you’re looking to add some epic flair to your stairway area, then you’ve come to the right place. Even if it’s hanging a small-scale gallery wall, or spicing things up with lighting, there’s more ways to decorate your stairs than you may initially think. Get ready to feel the DIY spritwhen you peep some of our favorite wall art ideas below!
Hang a Gallery Wall
If your growing art collection is just begging to be put up on the wall, building up a gallery wall for your staircase decor is a great option. Your guests will feel like they’re walking into an art gallery, and get lost in each of your prints. (via The Nordroom)
Display Hanging Plants
Wall planters like these ceramic pots and this planter hanger can be hung on your stairway walls to bring some greenery and life to your space. Grab some plants that do very well indoors, like pothos and peace lilies. (via Pinterest)
Build a Mirror Wall
Consider this mirror wall like the little sister to the gallery wall. This is a great DIY for anyone who has a few spare mirrors around the house, and you can also thrift decorative mirrors for a unique look. Plus, and the reflective surfaces can add the illusion of a larger space, and bring more light into your home. (via Thistlewood Farms)
Add Decorative Sconces
Install a few wall sconces to add some needed light to your space. Plus, when the sun goes down, they can serve as mood lighting for the evening! Some of our favorite wall sconces include this down-facing light by In Common With and the Sol Wall Light from Hue-Gah Home. (via Chris Loves Julia)
Paint Rainbow Stairs
Okay, this idea isn’t technically wall art, but we just couldn’t resist including it for one simple reason: rainbows! Even if you choose not to go in rainbow order, painting your staircase could add some more warmth and color in the right situation — and you can match the colors to the art you’ve added to the wall. (via Kelly Elko and At Home With Ashley)
Paint A Mural
Take your DIY staircase to the next level and paint a whole wall mural! It can really make your space a unique one, and add some joy every time you go up or down the stairs.
Add Decorative Shelving
These built-in shelves are a great project to invest in because you can use them as both storage and decoration. If you’re not ready to commit to a built-in, explore some floating shelf options to display art on. (via PureWow)
Hang Up Neon Signs
For a moody look, hang up some neon light wall art in your staircase space. It’ll provide a little bit of fun during the day and bathe your staircase in vivid color at night. (via Neon Beach)
What’s your favorite staircase wall art idea? Let us know on Twitter and check out our Pinterest for even more ideas.
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